This is the official blogspot of Mannafest - a monthly youth event in Belfast run by Youth for Christ (NI). Feel free to read our blogs and leave us a line!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Blessed our those who are merciful

What an amazing night again.
God is really moving.
It's so good to hear so many of your thoughts already.

Please keep blogging and telling us your stories, not just about mannafest ,but what God is speaking to you about. What's happening in your town, your community. Let's really look out for each other and pray for one another.

We want mannafest to be a place where people feel welcome and part of a bigger community that really loves and cares for each other.
Let's really live out the BE -ATTITUDES!!!!!!

Love the idea about the team going out on the streets after mannafest. Let's pray about that.
Other people, let us know what you think about this idea.
God is doing something, let's make sure we listen to him.


Anonymous said...

wow what a challenge was thrown out and what a response concerning our attitudes towards others are judgementalism. A powerful night with powerful praise, God be glorified again and again each time raising the bar!! Be glorified lord!! Bless the leaders the workers the band the speakers and all those involved for your glory..amen...

Anonymous said...

it was mannafest with a difference! i have had a depression for a few weeks now but the emotion of god being there for me and the fact that i can turn to him no matter what is overwhelming. mannafest is actually important to me because i can go and let everyone know how much i love god because they all understand......unlike 1s at home!thanks for the team who work hard and the bands for the music that i love! love n prayers xxxxx

Anonymous said...

I was well impressed with the ATMOSPHERE at the February Mannafest, there was something different about the way our young people responded this time, the Holy Spirit was moving! My prayer is that this is the direction Mannafest will take!

Brian <><