This is the official blogspot of Mannafest - a monthly youth event in Belfast run by Youth for Christ (NI). Feel free to read our blogs and leave us a line!

Monday, April 06, 2009


(from l to r: Rick Hill, Jill Boyd, Mark Charles, Andrew Frame, Charlie Knox, Glenn Jordan)

A great morning with Glenn. Better be careful what is disclosed here!

So, who is Jesus? More angular, not domesticated, a brilliant reader of people and a great teller of stories.

We moved into discussion around different denominations and focussed a lot of contemporary worship songs. Something that stood out was the fact that with age, the individual looks for different elements in their faith. One can focus on and value preaching, singing, fellowship and evangelism at different stages of life.

Some advise on communication:
  1. we need to be more economical with our words
  2. the practise of writing a script can be helpful in preparation and delivery
  3. leave space for the Holy Spirit to apply
  4. the Bible is not an answer book
  5. the job of a communicator is to help people get into the story
  6. prepare together - have a community reading and preach on the same topic
  7. dont be afraid to ask questions of text outside your comfort zone
  8. read widely - outside your comfort zone and tradition
  9. look into Jewish writers for background and context material

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