This is the official blogspot of Mannafest - a monthly youth event in Belfast run by Youth for Christ (NI). Feel free to read our blogs and leave us a line!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Share your Story on Accepting God's Call

I love when God calls, I love that he doesn't ask us to become experts at anything,
He doesn't ask us to learn all the best methods or to train for months before
we go out and serve him.
All he asks is for us to be obedient. Yep, that's it, obedient.
How cool is that!!!!!
When God calls, he promises to provide, we don't need to worry about being
good enough or knowing exactly what to say or do. But just to know that we are called.
What freedom this offers us. It takes the pressure off,
Instead of it being about us and what we can do, it puts the focus all on our creator, our father, our God.

It has been so encouraging to hear all your stories. To read how so many of you have answered
God 's call to reach people with sharing bread and yourselves in so many different ways.
We know this has been quite an experience which has challenged us all to take action.
We have loved hearing all the stories both personally and on the blog and know they have
encouraged so many people.

With February Mannafest nearing in a few days, we would love it if some of you guys
would share your stories on what you got up to after last mannafest, your
experience of giving out bread in your schools and towns etc. Maybe get a few people up on stage,
just to answer a few questions.
We would love people to hear what you did and if you have noticed any impact from it. I know that it won't
be possible to have loads of people on stage but we would love for all the mannafesters
to hear a few of the stories. So if you are interested please contact Suzi on
We shall look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you so much to all of you who have commented on the blog and shared your stories.
Keep Serving Him. May God Bless YOU.


Silver Phoenix said...

Can i just say how amazin God was tonight. I was glad to see people goin out to burger king and not just shouting and making a rcket, but actually showing love by talking to people on the street. I feel that an after mannafest street team is needed. Empower them the send a few out to pass on what love God has given us

Dave Luke

Anonymous said...

mannafest wz soo gd last nyt!i avnt been in a while n wz gd 2 go again! jst wanna tell yas bout a youth weekend we went on with west church bangor on 13th jan! we had speaker frm carrick elim n he wz amazin i felt i came bak i beta person n closer to god!!b4 i went i used 2 swear n i wz rlei onli a christain on sundays bt nw dat iva came bak ive startd goin 2 cu in skul n its been an amazin time 4 me!!ne1 hu finks god cnt use dem is rong!!!!he uses u everyday n u may nt even notice it bt in sum way he is showin ppl ur luv 4 him!!!!!!!!!!!!!