This is the official blogspot of Mannafest - a monthly youth event in Belfast run by Youth for Christ (NI). Feel free to read our blogs and leave us a line!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Blessed are the Pure In Heart - March

What another amazing night we had on Saturday.
It was so good to see so many of you there, and as one person said to me
' to open the balcony as we couldn't fit everyone down stairs was amazing'.
Very Exciting.

I hope you where challenged by what Lucy said and that all of us will take a good look at our hearts and the things we are letting into them.
May we seek to be captivated only by God and not what society offers.

I loved that you guys just wanted to keep worshippping on Saturday night too.
God is good.
What do you think if maybe some Mannafest night, we don't have a set finishing time but just continue to Worship as we feel God leads us. Would people be able to stay later. Let me know what you think.

Looking forward to hearing your comments

God Bless
Mannafest Team


Blackdog said...

We're up for it :)

Lynas just has to keep us fed with that V8 juice haha! Cheers for Saturday everyone, was really great to worship with you all.

Love Bluetree

Anonymous said...

once again the March Mannafest was awesome..God was there just like he promised and it seems people are starting to come back...the balcony got open yeeha... can't beleive i'm gonna miss the April one and the youth leaders meeting please keep me updated on what happens

Anonymous said...

once again the March Mannafest was awesome..God was there just like he promised and it seems people are starting to come back...the balcony got open yeeha... can't beleive i'm gonna miss the April one and the youth leaders meeting please keep me updated on what happens

Anonymous said...


manafest was really great last week. I think that it would be great if there was no finish time. Worship was really great. Whats the name of the song on the power point at the start?

Andrew Hume

Anonymous said...

Last saturday night was really good i think it was the best this year. It was such a pity that it had to end, so i think the idea of having no set time of finish is a great idea! Even if you just ay that your doing extended worship and people who needed to leave could do so. Though i cant imagine that many ppl will!lol

Anonymous said...

in answer to andrew hume the song it called change the atmosphere by numinous. check out there site its they are a wee band from bangor!their cd is amazing a would really recomend it!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey, i was there on sat night, it was amazing and the worship was fab! it would be brill, and make it even better if there was no finnishing time as i and my friends there wanted to keep on worshiping him. cant wait for Sat night.

Anonymous said...

mannafest was amazing! the Lucy's talk was inspirational, and worship and bluetree was amazing! i think it would be even better if there was no ending time, as i wanted to carryon worshiping god.

Anonymous said...

aww it wuld b amazing 2 hav no finishing time for mannafest but sadly i hav 2 leave before 10 every month cause my last bus leaves at 10.15!!! but thats a great idea!! worth considering!!